Hiram Lodge No.14  A.F. &  A.M.
Location & Times
'Regular' meetings are held on the 2nd. Monday of the month along with dinner, friendship and followed by Ancient-American work in Lodge.

'Emergent' meetings are held on the 4th.Monday of the month. See NOTICES for Times and Schedule.

Navigating the Website

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Welcome to Our Website
Version 3.2.9
Updated - Oct. 30, 2023
We extend fraternal greetings with a warm welcome to all brethren and visitors. Please note that the the few pages available are to maintain our service and information pending support from our executive.
The site consists of a variety of topics and layouts to provide examples for our membership to contribute feedback.
Hiram's Members need not "login" here (pending) or on the Communications page for NEW features. Currently, members do need to enter a password (when prompted) to view the 'Gallery' collection or some Lodge pages.
Non-members may peruse our site
with few limitations.
Please contact any Masonic Lodge Secretary for 'affiliation' or Hiram's Secretary (below) regarding membership or specific information related to Hiram Lodge No.14, Box 3423, Courtenay, B.C. V9N 5N5
** Click for Update **

The Grand Lodge of BC & Yukon officially OPENED all formal Masonic Lodge activities, just one year ago, 'based on and subject to' Provincial Health Authority compliance.
Effective - February 17, 2022
Grand Lodge guidelines continue as Lodge-by-Lodge accept the responsibility for compliance with some restrictions (see *Guidelines) - thereby, ensuring due diligence for members to avoid spreading the SARS-CoV-2 virus or its sub-variants.
Much has changed since Nov.15, 2021 regarding new guidelines. The Yukon has its own Health Authority. Government approaches and public response to new variants and subvariants of the COVID-19 based viruses have affected social structures. What does this mean for Freemasonry? What does this mean for individual Masons when participating together for meetings and travel?